Children app 中文
Coming soom A brand new word solitaire game that can be played via talk and keeps children away from staring at a screen and ruining their eyes. You and your families can play with our Vocabulary elf, Elfin together. Through games, you can strengthen your parent-child relationship and children can learn abundant English words. The game rules are simple. The first letter of the second word should be the same as the last letter of the first word, e.g. Beautiful, Language, Elephant. When the first word ends with E, X, or Y, you can also use the second to last letter. For example, both Elephant and Great can come after Language. A word should have a minimum of four letters. |
首款用說話就可以玩的文字接龍遊戲,小朋友不需再盯著螢幕傷害視力。 現在透過AI語彙小精靈(小語), 您可以跟小語一起玩, 更可以闔家一起玩。 透過寓教於樂的遊戲, 增添親子關係, 讓孩子們在遊戲時學習更豐富的語彙。 遊戲規則很簡單, 後一個詞彙的第一個字要跟前一個詞彙的最後一個字相符合。例如: 愚公移山, 可以接:山明水秀, 可以再接:秀色可餐。可以使用的詞彙, 最少兩個字, 最多四個字, 超過四個字的詞彙不能使用喔! |